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I Lost 22 lbs. and I’m 2 Sizes Smaller!*

"I began working with Diane and Hypnosis and lost a total of 22 pounds (2 sizes smaller). I never gained weight when I went on a weeklong cruise in nor did I gain weight over Thanksgiving or Christmas, which was a first for me.                                                                   *As with all personal changes and goals as individuals vary results may vary as well

I tried Hypnosis as a last resort. I gained a lot of weight after I turned 40 and couldn’t seem to get more than few pounds off without putting it back on. I didn’t like Weight Watchers because I resented counting my food after a busy day at work. I tried other diets and couldn’t seem to keep on track long enough to get to my goal.

I remember thinking over and over again that I wished I knew about this program, long ago. The first thing I noticed with the hypnosis program is that I immediately had more energy, I smiled more and I felt more confident. My friends noticed it right away, too. I had been in a mental slump when my daughter went off to college, and this turned my attitude around after the very first session. I began a new exercise routine of working out when I jumped out of bed in the morning at 5:30 a.m. I never would have been able to do that without hypnosis! Previously, I would exercise 2-3 times a week after work when I felt like it. Now, it’s the first thing on my mind when I open my eyes and I do it happily. I eat better, take nutritional supplements, I am in control of my appetite and I feel younger than I did several years ago. I take the program very seriously and I listen to hypnosis on a regular basis to keep my focus.

The most important benefit is that I feel happier and healthier. I no longer focus on how old I’m getting. I don’t feel like a “has been,” in fact, my girlfriend’s husband called me a “babe.” My daughter is proud of me and I am proud of myself! "

-Rose Mary C., Fairfield, CT



Diane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT-Adv
(203) 595-0110

Private Sessions 

Work Remotely, Online Hypnosis

Phone and Zoom Sessions Daily

Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis

1177 High Ridge Road

Stamford, CT 06905

Copyright © Mind-Body Transformation


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