"I have known Diane Bahr- Groth for over two years as my Therapist and Health Professional- Radio Contributor to Lifechanges with Mariette on WICC600 AM in Connecticut, Long Island and New York.
*As with all personal changes and goals as individuals vary results may vary as well
In 2012 I lost my first 65 lbs. and the success of that I contribute to Diane’s therapy sessions and her astute, intuitive ways to recognize just were the problems within a person reside. Her core work is through, precise and most effective.
I have talked about my weight loss success to my audience and Diane was able to help 11 individuals gain back their health and well-being back.
I recommend Diane Bahr-Groth very highly. She is a trusted friend and mentor you would want to invite on to your life journey . 2013 is the continuation of another 60 lbs. weight loss, and I have no doubt, with Diane’s help, I will reach my end goal. I have been stuck for over 15 years and grateful having found Diane."
-Mariette Kammerer, Director
KES Eduational Services, Inc.