203 595-0110

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No More Fear!

"Yes, Thought Field Therapy has been the most incredible experience. I did two sessions, almost 3 hours each, with Diane and she is remarkable. It changed my life. We got to the roots of my claustrophobia and my anxieties and I feel like a totally different person, which opened me up and made me ready to be able to really commit to the weight loss program for the first time. I’ve been on so many different programs all my life. I feel that Diane is an incredible person and that the whole program changed my life. 

I just took a trip to London and it seemed like half of the trip was traveling on the Underground. And it was just packed and crowded subways, and there was no way I could have done that if it hadn’t been for all my work.

I had claustrophobia for 15 years. My mother had it so I was exposed to it. It never bothered me until I got stuck on a plane one time for about 5 hours and was not allowed to get off and that triggered it. I have been working on it for 15 years. And this is the first thing that has really, really helped and cleared on a long-term basis. It’s just really remarkable. When I first did it, I came out of one of my sessions and it was like all of a sudden the sky was so high; it was like there were no borders or boundaries on me anymore. And I went out walking and it was just the most incredible freeing, exhilarating experience. It’s really just a remarkable program.

I ran into a friend of mine whom I hadn’t seen in years and we were sharing my experience, and a few weeks after that she came here. I’ve done lots of counseling and family therapy for years, but this was sort of…it really got to what the problems were. I went back to the birth experience, which is one of the triggers for it. It is absolutely fascinating, the way it works, because you’re not asleep. You’re there, awake, and it’s just …it frees your mind to have memories and to get in touch with what’s really going on inside. It’s incredible. And the friend that I recommended has thanked me over and over for sending her here, because it’s really just helped her a lot, too!"

-Tina  C., Greenwich, CT




Diane Bahr-Groth, CH, TFT-Adv
(203) 595-0110

Private Sessions 

Work Remotely, Online Hypnosis

Phone and Zoom Sessions Daily

Mind Body Transformation Hypnosis

1177 High Ridge Road

Stamford, CT 06905

Copyright © Mind-Body Transformation


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